
Unity Learn is an online platform designed to teach users the fundamentals of game development and programming using Unity's tools. Recognizing the potential for growth within the learning community, Unity Learn partnered with Berkeley Innovation to address a key challenge: improving user retention. Despite its robust resources, many learners were not staying on the platform long enough to fully benefit from its offerings. Berkeley Innovation was tasked with identifying pain points and designing solutions to keep users engaged and motivated to continue learning through gamification.


We identified key pain points through user research and offered redesigned features and new concepts tailored to address them. These solutions focused on streamlining the user experience, enhancing engagement through gamification and community-driven elements, and providing clearer progression pathways. By addressing these challenges, we aimed to create a more intuitive and motivating learning environment for Unity Learn users.


Web Design

Interaction Design


Product Designer

Synthesis Lead


Aug. 2024 - Dec 2024


1 Project Manager

4 Consultants

How might we better visualize, incentivize, and reward our users' learning progress on Unity Learn, such that they will be motivated to continue?

Unity Learn

Make learning fun

Our findings

Users find it hard to stay motivated on learning platforms due to time constraints and a lack of clear progress tracking or engaging motivators such as peer support

Understanding Individual Experiences

“The community is the most important part, especially during COVID. Upperclass helped pass down the knowledge and trickled down to underclassmen”

- Junior Environment Artist

Game design is so broad, you have to learn every aspect which is the most difficult thing but the most rewarding.”

- Unity Engineer/ Instructor

“I lose passion for learning with diluted objectives and get overwhelmed with big tasks.”

- Student

01 Research

Learners need a support system that builds community and offers mentorship.

Learners value short, digestible content, that leverage progress and rewards as incentives.

Learners want to see the end game. Having a clear objective drives passion.

02 Synthesis

What kind of users use Unity Learn?

From our research, we developed three user personas based on experience levels to better understand the diverse needs and goals of users in game development. This gave me a better understanding of the realities of balancing learning with everyday life and helped me think about how my solutions could fit into a potential user’s world.

Where specifically do we see frustrations?

Since beginners make up the majority of Unity Learn users, we narrowed our focus and created a beginner user journey map. This helped us better understand their experiences at each touchpoint, identify potential areas for improvement in their learning journey, and lay the groundwork for a strong base of learning for everyone.


Pain Points

Limited to weekends for learning.

Struggles with debugging as a coding beginner.

Use graphic design skills.

Create a mobile game for fun.

Join a gaming community for support and advice.



Novice Nico


Age: 23

Job: Graphic Designer

Interests: Photography, Gaming, Coffee connoisseur, Puzzles











Pain Points

Publish a Unity game for his resume.

Expand programming skills.

Build expertise for a career in game development.



Intermediate Isaac


Age: 20

Job: CS Student

Interests: Hackathons, and mobile games










Loses motivation with unclear documentation.

Feels unfulfilled without peer engagement or tangible progress.


Pain Points

Create engaging and popular games for gamers.

Collaborate with experienced developers on new features.




Expert Eric

Age: 28

Job: Game Developer

Interests: Gaming, Soccer, PC building, Hiking.

Manage pressure and real-world stakes in professional game design.

Frustrated by time-consuming, project-specific bugs.










Is feeling a bit fatigued

Lack of smooth and intuitive transition from one mission to the next

“Move on to next step” button does not work

Is unable to find help or documentation








Closes computer and shows work to friends

must leave page, reload page, re-find Unity Learn

Users click on next task manually

Some basics were skipped over that would be helpful to learn

No issues with the new user registration process

Spends time debugging code

Complete the learning objectives of the pathway

Starts Unity essentials pathway

Goes on Unity Learn’s signed up

No issues with finding a pathway to start

Key Insights

Pinpointing Motivations and Pain Points

We compiled all our research and grouped based on similar findings in order to identify themes and key insights to inform our design decisions.

User Feedback

Fleshing out ideas

Each team member quickly sketched concept drawings for the ideas. After consolidating the sketches, we moved on to creating mid-fidelity prototypes.

Client feedback on mid-fis

We presented our mid-fidelity designs to the client, focusing on feasibility, identifying areas for improvement, and highlighting key successes.

Visual Progress

“Next Steps”


Community Leaderboard

Topic-specific progress


Engages Community

Streamlines Content

Incentivizes Learning

Clarifies Objective

Applies most

Applies least


Community Forum

“Next Steps”

Topic Progress


x of X



Tutorial Completed!


upcoming tutorial


Mission Completed!


XX weeks


XX weeks


XX weeks


x of X



Choose Next Pathway:

x of X




Mission Completed!


Select your next Pathway!


XX weeks


XX weeks


XX weeks

see more

see more

see more


x of X

General Notes:

where is this screen in the greater flow?

personally, I thought this was the pop-up when you logged on to the site

where would you see this outside of this specific instance?

My Learning page perhaps?

Where is the streak?

Define clear steps and structure how it would work

Hours vs Number of lessons completed

See a number but you can click into it

can click the streak number then click and see this screen for more indepth activity

seeing more details for color representation

what is intended to be here?

where does this screen appear?

General Notes:

better show the flow from tutorial to mission to summary to pathway

mission complete

summary steps

investigate the pages in between mission to pathway completion page

XP exploration

+XP on the summary rather than showing current XP total

potentially specify what kind of XP they are gaining (because it is being categorized)

which badge they are contributing to

may get repetitive after every single tutorial, potentially consider saving these summaries for missions and pathways

interesting that this is here, is the streak for that day or their current overall progress?

They prefer this version over the first one


week streak


bio/more profile deets

bio/more profile deets

Learn More



Project Name

project description and bio. about. yay. project description and bio. about. yay. project description and bio. about. yay. project description and bio. about. yay.



Project Name

project description and bio. about. yay. project description and bio. about. yay. project description and bio. about. yay. project description and bio. about. yay.



project name

project description/bio


project name

project description/bio


project name

project description/bio

project name

project description/bio

project name

project description/bio


Pull Code

potentially highlighting how user is doing rather than seeing everyone else within the leaderboard immediately

seeing personal rank first?

seeing history of own self ranking then there being a button to see the leaderboard is the user choses?

General Notes:

Social media tab is not feasible

Can pull discussion, name of discussion, views


What are the implications of users following other users?

Thinking about the overall ecosystem?

Share vs Learn

Might be too ambitious for this project

User’s profile posting on their own feed

User could choose what they want to share on their own profile

Is this a replacement for the existing learn platform?

Maybe its integrated with submission page? Maybe its a feed of projects?

End of a pathway for quality submissions

Don’t want to repeat discussions, maybe a learn showcase is better?

Personal progress vs number 1

Overall separate profile showcase page vs leaderboard pages

Competition may be perceived differently amongst gamers

introvert vs extrovert

encouraged vs discouraged by competition

social media tab is likely not feasible due to similarity with Unity Discussions

would prefer to highlight the showcase aspect of just sharing the project, then maybe embedding the opportunity to take conversations in the comments to Unity Discussions

unsure with showing self profile at the top, thinks it should be directed towards the My Learning page

My lEarning


Welcome back





Streak Activity





Skill #13

Skill #15

Skill #14

Skill #12

Skill #1`

Pathway Progress

Pathway Name

how can we implement activity for people using the editor but not doing the learner?


tracking health app

clue calendar (for inspo)

General Notes:

pathways is exciting

calendar is a cool idea

Different colors to encourage activity

Overall seem to like this idea


How do they work?

How do you choose them?

How do they get measured?

Like the idea of pathways

Some people use two, see multiple?

Show activity in editor not just within learn within the calendar

likes the current pathway progress

thought it would be cool to also add in the overall progress for all pathways -> another progress bar

make sure to contextualize and make clear how these skills / goals are selected and organized

path from mission to pathway selection is not the actual flow so make sure we understand and create the pages in between

Progress & Goals: Users liked visual motivators like gradients, streaks, and trophies but struggled to differentiate pathway progress from goals. Clear, focused goals resonated well with users, but they expressed confusion around how objectives were defined and how progress would be tracked effectively.

Pathways: Summary pages helped users feel accomplished and offered a "breather" before the next step. They preferred having the choice to continue or pause rather than being rushed.

Social Features: Leaderboards and project-sharing inspired collaboration and motivation but needed opt-in options to avoid discouraging lower-ranked users. Showcasing similar projects was highly valued, while Instagram-like interfaces felt less intuitive.

Customization: Personalized goals and tailored tracks were appealing, but users were concerned about implementation complexity. They also wanted options to explore without committing to specific goals.

How can we integrate gamification into Unity Learn’s current system to address user pain points?

Turning Insights into Action

We came up with 8 preliminary ideas through a 2x2 matrix and finalized 5 based on a value rubric and client feedback.

We ranked each idea based on its relevance to our research and key insights.

04 Final Prototype

Introduced streaks with a calendar view, pushing consistency and making progress tracking more intuitive for developers.


Combined progress and personal stats to improve content hierarchy, helping users clearly visualize goals over time.

Updated Profile


Multiple categories within profile, producing cognitive overload and unclear goals and direction.

Improved navigation, progress tracking, and social connection


Focusing on student’s success by highlighting rewards and implementing fun animations to motivate students to continue and feel more accomplished.

Added the option to view a summary or proceed directly to the next step, streamlining the mission progression for a smoother, more intuitive experience.

Updated Next Steps - Missions


Students have mentioned that there are too many steps to get to the next mission and would like the option to skip straight to the next mission.


We introduced a leaderboard feature, allowing students to opt in and customize the visibility of their public profiles. This feature fosters friendly competition and gamifies the experience, inspiring students through the achievements of others.

Improved community aspects


Community and peer support one of the biggest motivational factors for students to find inspiration, overcome challenges, and stay engaged. Within Unity learn, community discussions was hidden in application switcher. Many users did not know it existed.

The submission gallery was the sole space for students to view and engage with each other's work, but it was only accessible after completing a tutorial. Once students moved on, their submissions often became overlooked. Our clients enthusiastically supported the idea of creating a dedicated space to showcase and highlight submissions.

I added a dedicated community tab to improve accessibility and awareness. Leveraging Unity’s existing concepts, I reimagined how submissions are discovered and showcased. Students can now filter projects and tutorials relevant to their learning journey, draw inspiration, and actively engage with their peers.

05 Reflections

Extremely grateful towards our client and my team for making this such a rewarding experience!

Gratitude and growth through collaboration

Learning Where to Prioritize

As the synthesis lead, I faced the challenge of narrowing down a vast amount of insights from our research. It was difficult to decide which problems to prioritize and which to postpone. As a designer, I wanted to address every issue we observed, but due to time constraints, I focused on the solutions that would provide the greatest impact.This process taught me how to focus on the most critical areas to deliver effective and impactful solutions.

The Power of Listening and Learning

This project pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to grow in meaningful ways. Conducting interviews, user testing, and leading early morning client meetings were challenging at times, but they helped me build confidence and form genuine connections. Truly understanding the problem required actively listening to every perspective—every piece of input and feedback mattered. Through this process, I developed a deep appreciation for the power of observation, listening, and collaboration. These experiences not only strengthened my confidence, design thinking, and leadership skills but also showed me the transformative impact of truly valuing others’ contributions.

Preliminary Research

Academic research on game design + game development

4 Competitive


Compared leading game engines and learning platforms

65 Survey Responses

Learned about user’s learning preferences and gamification experiences

8 Interviews

Conducted interviews with beginner, intermediate, and advanced game engine users

Understanding the Learning Landscape

84.7% of users find video tutorials most effective for retaining skills. 76.3% favored project-based assignments.

Streaks engage 72.3% of users, while reward systems appeal to 58.5%.

03 Ideation